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We invite you to submit all forms of literary essays and sub-genres of creative nonfiction including memoirs, personal essays, lyric essays, flash, research-based essays, literary journalism, travelogues, and other literary nonfiction. Send only one essay per submission and wait until you have received a response regarding your submission before submitting more work to SHR. Manuscripts should be no longer than 12,000 words, doubled-spaced (including notes, if necessary).
We honor SHR's legacy by also considering scholarly essays. We seek essays that are directed to a general humanities audience (and avoid specialized jargon). Scholarly manuscripts should be prepared using the MLA Handbook. Translations are welcome, if they include PDF scans of the original and written permission from the copyright holder (if applicable).

These free nonfiction submissions are open only to historically underrepresented writers.


We invite you to submit all forms of literary essays and sub-genres of creative nonfiction including memoirs, personal essays, lyric essays, flash, research-based essays, literary journalism, travelogues, and other literary nonfiction. Send only one essay per submission and wait until you have received a response regarding your submission before submitting more work to SHR. While we are open to submissions of any length, the essays that get published in our journal are generally no more than 12,000 words.

We honor SHR's legacy by also considering scholarly essays. We seek essays that are directed to a general humanities audience (and avoid specialized jargon). Translations are welcome, if they include PDF scans of the original and written permission from the copyright holder (if applicable).

SHR features one short story each month in our online Features section. Please send only one story per submission. Manuscripts should be no longer than 2,000 words and no shorter than 500 words, double-spaced. Wait until you have received a response regarding your submission before submitting more work to SHR.

This project will end after we reach 250 submissions.

Southern Humanities Review